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We're all about being missionaries in our communities...

Our Misson

We need you to be part of the Launch Team...

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I'm Anthony Ray, Founder and Pastor of World Missions Church.  Thank you so much for taking a few moments of your time to visit with us today.  I answered God's call to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ over 30 years ago, just days after my conversion from Islam to Christianity on Memorial Day, May 26, 1986. I've had the honor and privilege of leading many souls to the Lord and discipling others to do the same.  

According to a recent survey by church planters, Ed Stetzer and Daniel Im, entitled, The State of Church Planting in the US, 2015, "there needs to be a stronger commitment to the development of minority leaders of new churches for the Church moving forward."  I wholeheartedly agree.  The survey also points out that the two ethnicities that aren't represented at a rate consistent with their percentage to the entire U.S. population are African-American pastors and Hispanic pastors.  I am humbled and so incredibly excited that the Lord has called me to plant and serve as pastor of World Missions Church.  I am full persuaded that church planting is the key to fulfilling the Great Commission. (Matt 28:18-20) 

The Reason

World Missions Church is mission oriented and multiplication-bound, in other words, I am an advocate for planting churches that plant churches.  I believe that every church should not only embrace a vision of multiplication, but personally engage in multiplying.  


WMC is intentional with our outreach strategy and our focus on leadership development.   We are currently seeking people that love the Lord and have a passion for sharing the love of God with others.  Jesus says in Matthew 9:37-38, ... 'The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."  We're praying today that you would consider becoming a member of our Launch Team and to help us Share the Love of God with Others.  


God Bless You and Thank You for Visiting With Us!  Hope to Hear From You Soon !

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